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  • 1988 - Process initiated.  Sister Rose de Lima Hazeur, Superior General requested Archbishop

  • Philip Hannan to petition Rome to begin the process of canonization of Mother Henriette Delille, founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family.  Mother Henriette was called Servant of God, the first step in the canonization process.

  • From 1988 until 2005 historians and theologians researched and studies Henriette's life.

  • 2005 - The life, virtues, and reputation of sanctity of Venerable Henriette Delille were tried at the   

  • Archdiocesan  New Orleans Tribunal and an alleged miracle attributed to her intercession was tried in the Galveston-Houston Tribunal.

  • 2006 - All documents, nearly 6,000 pages, were signed, boxed, sealed, sent to Rome and registered at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.  These documents were declared valid on November 10.

  • 2007 - The Positio, a compilation and defense of all the documents, written by our Postulator, Dr. Andrea Ambrosi, on Venerable Henriette’s Life, Virtues and Reputation of Sanctity was completed

  • 2008 -  Seven historians approved the Positio.

  • 2009 -  Nine theologians gave their approval of the Positio

  • 2010 - 15 Archbishops and Cardinals from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints affirmed that Henriette Delille practiced heroic virtue.

  • 2010 - The Pope, Benedict XVI, declared Henriette venerable, the second step in the canonization process.

  • The research into Henriette's life is now finished with a positive decision.

  • 2010 - The Positio on the alleged miracle was completed.  It must be approved by:  two doctors; then 7 doctors; and 7 theologians. More information is needed.

  • The combined work of the doctors and theologians will be given to the members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints who will present the conclusion to the Holy Father.

  • 2016 Another alleged miracle is being tried in the Diocese of  Little Rock, Arkansas.  We await the results.

  • If positive, Henriette will be declared blessed, the third step in the canonization process.

  • The Beatification Ceremony will take place in New Orleans, LA.

  • Another miracle will be needed for sainthood, the fourth and final step of canonization.

Born in 1812, Henriette Delille was a real life person like you and me. She was born a free woman of color and lived her life in New Orleans, Louisiana. Henriette was surrounded by family and friends.

Among Henriette's relatives was her great, great grandmother who was a slave from West Africa. Her mother and the other women in her family formed liaisons or serial monogamous relationships with white men. This means colored women "in concubinage" with wealthy white men. In recent findings, in funeral records, Henriette may have given birth to two sons who died before the age of three. She had one sister and two brothers, one of whom died in infancy. Descendants have been found and are in touch with the Sisters. 

When Henriette was 24 years old, she underwent a religious experience. This religious experience is expressed in a brief declaration of faith and love. On the flyleaf of a book centered on the Eucharist, is a profession of love, in her own handwriting. Written in French: "Je crois en Dieu. J'espère en Dieu. J'aime. Je v[eux] vivre et mourir pour Dieu."

In 1836 Henriette drew up the rules and regulations for devout Christian women, which would eventually become the Society of the Holy Family. The group was founded for the purpose of nursing the sick, caring for the poor, and instructing the ignorant.  

1842 is the date for the founding of the Sisters of the Holy Family for the same purposes. Henriette was assisted by her friends, Juliette Gaudin and Josephine Charles. Records show that these women served as godmothers to many: slaves, free, children, and adults. They also witnessed many marriages.......(complete article)

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McCormick Pavilion at Theological College

Washington, DC  20017

Phone:  202-529-9250

Fax:     202-529-1630




Executive Office

Sandra Coles-Bell

Executive Director 

© 2024 by National Black Sisters' Conference

Site by Postured Enterprise, LLC

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